My name is Wesley Jean Laurore. I am 16 years old. I was born May 5, 2001 in Leogane, Haiti. My mother's name is Jacqueline Victor and she is 37 years old. Wesley Laurore is my father's name and he is 41 years old. My parents are not married, but they have been living together for a long time. They have two children together, two boys and I would like to have a sister. My little brother is five, he is so cute with long hair. I live with eight people including my uncle, cousins, etc. Both of my grandmothers are alive. On Sundays, I go with my family to St. Rose Catholic Church.
I went to kindergarten at Ribambelle when I was three. After kindergarten, I went to primary school called Wesleyenne de Leogane. Right now, I am in secondary school at Maison-Oeuvre de Leogane. I am in secondaire 1. I will finish secondary school in three years. I'm having exams right now and I will be successfull. I speak two languages: Haitian Creole and French. My favorite subjects are Chemistry and Biology. School starts at 7:00am and ends at 2:00pm, but on Fridays we have sports class and we have to stay until 3:30pm. Before school, I like to go on runs.
I do everything at home just like women, but I'm not very good at doing laundry. I like to sweep and mop the floors. I know how to do the dishes because, as the oldest, a lot of the chores are given to me. I also cook for my family, but I can only make pasta. My favorite meal is rice and bean sauce with mashed vegetables.
When I am older, I want to become a doctor, a Surgeon because I want to take care of the sick and I enjoy working with other people. I hope to attend a university in Port-au-Prince. After the study, I would like to work in Leogane.
There is one thing that inspired me to become Surgeon. After the earthquake, I had seen too many people in pain, with broken legs and arms. They were crying, suffering too much and I was watching them and I was not able to do anything about that. Some of them did not get the chance to be seen on time by the Doctors. Haiti does not have enough good Doctors.
And you know that your help through your donation is so important for Haitian People. Thank you HAITI SCHOLARSHIPS and thank you DONORS. And I will pray for your so God will always give you something to share with us. My parents and I love you so much!"
Jean Wesley LAURORE
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